General, The Basics, Trademark Filing, Trademark Infringement, Trademark Protection, Trademark Search

What Can a Trademark Attorney do for Your Business?

If you are a business owner looking to protect your brand, consider working with an experienced trademark attorney. Your attorney will conduct a comprehensive trademark search and also file your application with the USPTO and respond to Office Actions on your behalf. Once your trademark is registered, your attorney can monitor its use and work with you to take legal action against […]

Copyrights, General, The Basics

How to Copyright Your Website

If you are a business owner or blogger seeking protection for your website, you should begin the process to copyright your site by registering with the U.S. Copyright Office.  Here are the 5 steps to copyright a website: Determine the ownership of the website’s content. Determine what can be copyrighted. Work with an experienced copyright attorney. Submit your application to the […]

How To's, Patents, The Basics

How to Patent a Product

Steps to patent a product provided by a patent attorney: Hire an experienced patent attorney. Determine whether you should consider a design patent, a utility patent, or both. Work with your patent attorney to conduct a patentability search. File your application with the USPTO. Respond to Office Actions by set deadlines. Hire an Experienced Patent Attorney As an inventor, you’ve likely […]

General, International, The Basics

Why Foreign Companies Should Register a Trademark in the U.S.

If you are a foreign business owner looking to tap into the large consumer market in the United States, begin by first registering your trademark with the USPTO.  It is important to file your trademark application in the U.S. as soon as possible to prevent others from registering a similar mark.  If you already have a registration of your trademark in […]

Trademark Search

How to Conduct a Proper Trademark Search

When you are investing a lot of energy, money, and time into starting or protecting your business and its intellectual property, the most important thing to know before filing a trademark application is whether another company or person already owns the same trademark you wish to register. Why are trademark searches important? In the event there is already a federal […]

Trademark Protection

Why Every Business Should Register Their Trademarks

If you own or manage a business, you have at least one trademark- the name of your company. In addition to that, you most likely have product and service names, logos, slogans, and other trademarks that are valuable assets to your business. In order to protect these trademarks, it’s important to register them with the USPTO. Here are three main […]

General, Trademark Protection

How to Select a Strong Brand Name

When it comes to selecting a name for a brand, product, or service, trademark attorneys often take a different approach than most marketers. Our main consideration is whether or not a name is unique enough to be protected with a federal trademark registration. However, finding a name that aligns with your brand, while still being unique enough to trademark, can […]

General, International, The Basics, Trademark Filing

Foreign Trademark Registrants are Now Required to Hire a U.S. Attorney

As of August 3rd, 2019, the USPTO will now require foreign trademark registrants to hire a U.S. trademark attorney to file their applications. Though it is highly recommended, United States citizens, permanent residents, and those filing through the Madrid Protocol are not required to work with a trademark attorney at this time. As you prepare to register your trademark with the […]

General, The Basics, Trademark Filing

Trademark Registration: DIY vs Hiring an Attorney

When it comes to registering your trademark, don’t be tempted by DIY legal sites that provide little guidance and assistance throughout the process. Work with an experienced trademark attorney to ensure your trademark application process runs smoothly and quickly. As you begin the process to register your trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, or USPTO, you may be […]

Trademark Protection, Trademark Protection, Trademark Search

When to Start the Trademark Registration Process

When should you start the trademark registration process for your company, brand, or service name? The answer is, as soon as humanly possible. The number one mistake that I have seen clients make over the 11 years that I’ve run my practice is falling in love with a name and having no ability to change it. That’s because if I […]

General, Trademark Protection

How Large Law Firms Overcharge Trademark Clients

If you are an in-house counsel and you’re hiring outside counsel for trademark services, there’s an extremely high chance you’re overpaying for those services. There are two main ways that large law firms typically overcharge for trademark services. The first is during the trademark search process, and the second is when filing the application. 1. Large law firms overcharge during […]

General, The Basics, Trademark Filing

What’s the Cost to Hire a Trademark Attorney?

The biggest question that most business owners have before engaging a trademark attorney is simple: “How much will it cost?” Budgets tend to be the most influential factor in many brand owners’ business decisions. This is especially true for owners of newer or smaller brands. Brand owners often assume that hiring a trademark attorney is out of the question, so […]

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