How to Protect Your Trademark in the Internet of Things Industry

With the rise of the Internet of Things industry, which includes physical objects that connect to the internet and interact with other things, it is becoming more and more important for companies to understand the proper use and application of trademarks.

There are two main things to consider when you’re developing and launching your own product in this industry.

1. Are you protecting your own trademarks?

To protect your own trademark, it’s important to first search for trademarks in use that are similar to yours. Similar trademarks can make it difficult for you to protect your trademark at a national level and could open you up to legal liability.

2. How are you using other trademarks?

One of the defining factors of the Internet of Things industry is the interconnectivity. However, it’s important to know how you can and can’t use other people’s trademark, even if it works with a product you’re providing. Unless you have permission from the owner, you should very carefully consider how you are using a trademark and use it rarely.

Eric Perrott, Esq.

Eric Perrott, Esq. is a trademark and copyright attorney committed to providing high-quality legal services for any sized budget. Eric’s ability to counsel clients through any stage of trademark and copyright development and protection allows him to provide his clients with personalized advice and unique analysis. Eric can be reached directly at: The contents of this blog are for informational purposes only and may not be relied on as legal advice.

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